Typical / Antitypical...First part of fulfillment, last part... and don't forget 'literal'
In the 2009 WT there were 14 mentions in the insight book, 474 in the Watchtower, and 107 mentions of 'antitypical' in books.
Didn't your brain go numb trying to get these anomalies straight in your head? How many times did we study those now archaic abandoned books? "Know Jehovah" "Man's Salvation" "Daniel book" and on and on! And now, poof! gone! "Hey, we don't do that anymore, forget we use to do that, it's just not necessary"
*** dp chap. 13 p. 211 par. 2 Two Kings in Conflict ***
2 How thrilled Daniel must have been to hear the angel reveal to him in detail the rivalry between two forthcoming kings! The drama is of interest to us as well, for the power struggle between the two kings stretches into our day. Seeing how history has shown the first part of the prophecy to be true will strengthen our faith and confidence in the certainty of fulfillment of the last part of the prophetic account.
*** gt chap. 97 Workers in the Vineyard ***
Is that first-century fulfillment the only fulfillment of Jesus’ illustration? No, the clergy of Christendom in this 20th century have, by reason of their positions and responsibilities, been “first” to be hired for work in God’s symbolic vineyard
*** gt chap. 111 Sign of the Last Days ***
When does Jesus’ prophecy have a first fulfillment, but when does it have a major fulfillment?
*** hp chap. 15 Is “the End of the World” Near? ***
Why should we look for another fulfillment of the “sign,” and how would it differ from the first fulfillment? (13-16)
*** ka chap. 6 pp. 94-95 par. 29 Priests for Ten Centuries with No Scheming Priestcraft ***
But when did the antitypical tent or temple, the “true tent” with its “holy place,” come into existence? It was while the typical temple built by King Herod the Great was still standing in Jerusalem. It was in the early autumn of the year 29 of our Common Era. How was this so? What happened then to call for the true temple?
*** ka chap. 6 p. 100 par. 43 Priests for Ten Centuries with No Scheming Priestcraft ***
43 Instead of climaxing the antitypical Day of Atonement by entering into a typical “holy place” inside the typical tent or temple, High Priest Jesus Christ entered “into heaven itself” where the “person of God” is. This heavenly residence of the very person of God is the true Most Holy, the Holy of Holies, the Holiest of all.
*** ka chap. 16 p. 304 par. 28 Completion of the Foretold “Sign” Nears ***
28 It becomes plain that, in his prophecy, Jesus was using the city of Jerusalem not only in a literal sense but also in a typical sense, as prefiguring something else of greater proportions. ........ He was thinking of the antitypical unfaithful Jerusalem, namely, one of modern times. And what is that? It is Christendom with her hundreds of conflicting religious sects.—1 Corinthians 10:11.